Frequently Asked Questions

Are Weed Vapes Legal in North Carolina?

Yes. With the passing of the Farm Bill in 2018, hemp-derived products are now federally legal in the USA. This includes vape pens containing CBD or other federally-compliant hemp-derived products.

Popular brands include CannaRiver, 3Chi, Cake, and more. 

Can someone with asthma use a weed vape in North Carolina?

Asthma can have a wide range of effects on individuals. Thus there is no clear-cut solution to this topic. While some asthmatics claim plant cannabis sativa reduces their symptoms, others claim it makes them worse.

Before using legal weed vape North Carolina or other hemp cannabis products, if you have asthma, talk to your doctor.

Where is the THC oil made that goes in weed vapes?

All the products that are sold on have THC oil formulated and manufactured 100% in the United States. This THC oil is derived from USA-grown hemp plants. 

How do you charge a weed vape?

Many weed vapes that are disposable also have charging ports for extended usage. Most are compatible with either USB-C or MicroUSB.